Sunday, December 11, 2011

Birth Control...Yay or Nay?

I was having a discussion with someone the other day (cannot remember who it was for the life of me), and we were talking about birth control. The term "Birth Control" has many specific definitions. It can mean the pill, the shot, the ring, a condom, any form of vasectomy or tube-tying, or even abstinence. I'm sure there are many more out there that I haven't heard of, but nonetheless. With all of these methods, how can we know which one works and which one is a waste of money? Well, clearly the cheapest and most effective way to prevent birth is abstinence, but let's be real here...we're living in a generation full of hormones. Here's the two most common birth control methods and they're possible side effects:
The pill: Ladies, this one's for you. It seems like you can walk down the street for not 5 minutes, and I guarantee you will walk by at least one girl who's on the pill. I've recently found out that girls as young as 11 or 12 are on the pill! I mean, when confronted about it, many girls will say it's used to "clear up the acne". Right.
Now, I'm not in a great position to debate birth control seeing as it's been prominent in my household for as long as I can remember. I personally have been on birth control since I was about 13 years old. Birth Control Pills seemed to be the only way (according to my doctor) to cure, or at least cover up the condition I have called : Endometriosis. (say that one five times fast). Oh, and by the way, I hate it. The pill is designed to change your hormones in order to prevent ovulation during the 3 *cough* OTHER *cough* weeks of the month. I have been on pills that made me borderline bi-polar. Not to mention how expensive it was! You're looking at an average of 30$ a month for this. You're paying the equivalent of your cell-phone bill for a tiny little pill that is NOT 100% effective.

A condom: Alright, we all know that condoms are not completely effective. In fact, they are 98% effective, if used right. (I should be citing my source right about here, but I learned that from an episode of Friends about 7 years ago.) So needless to say, no one should rely completely on using a condom to prevent pregnancy. They break, they slip, the expire, etc... Do not, I repeat, DO NOT rely completely on condoms when having sex. It's best if each person is on some form of birth control.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Big Decision.

Before writing this post, I'd like to announce that I personally am Pro-Life. That being said, I do respect other opinions in the matter and I do not wish to offend anyone with my opinion. I'm just stating what I feel.

Now, I'd like to tell a story. Recently, I had called my best friend over to my house so we could catch up. We had a huge falling out and didn't speak for nearly 3 months, though we had been best friends for 10 years at that point. I had randomly called her over to my house, and so she came. She sat down on my bed and I asked her ''So how've you been?'' and she responded by telling me ''I'm pregnant.''


I mean, to be honest, I wasn't all too surprised. She had had a pregnancy scare before, and I took care of her. That being said, I also explained to her just how important protection was. I guess it went in one ear and out the other.

So you can imagine how I might have reacted when she told me that she was positive that she would get an abortion. She had been raised in an environment that encouraged abortion above all other options. Naturally, I had encouraged her to hold the baby until the delivery, and then give it up for adoption. I knew this wouldn't have worked anyway because she has a very selfish personality and would not be able to carry the baby for 9 months and then give it up. Which I understand, many people are faced with that. However, I personally know an amazing couple who have been trying to adopt a child for 6 years now, with no luck. So you can see why I might encourage her to give it up, and give the baby a chance. Also, (warning: about to get rather personal), my doctor has told me that I am most likely to be infertile for the rest of my life due to a condition I have. I tried my best not to sound selfish when telling her that by getting an abortion, it's almost a slap in the face to me. However, it was her life and not mine. But it was also the baby's life. Now I know she was in absolutely no financial state to keep her child, seeing as her dad had no job and her mom works part-time at the mall, but nonetheless, there's always another solution.

As a matter of fact, while writing this post, I came to a realization that within the time I started writing this blog, to the time I ended it...she had her abortion. I guess I'm in a state of shock right now.

Lots of Love,


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How early is too early to get pregnant?

Teenage pregnancy is such a controversial subject in today's society. Some people frown upon it as if there was nothing worse that could happen to a young girl. Others find that it should be glorified through tv shows like Teen Mom. Personally, I think the entire buisness should  be left to the parents and family of those teens, rather than the entire world. Of course, in certain situations of child abuse, the more people that know, the easier it is to stop. When a girl, especially at a young age, is faced with the discovery that she is pregnant, she's got enough problems on her hands than to worry about what people are saying about them. Suddenly, she has to make probably the biggest decision of her life...does she keep the baby, put it up for adoption, or have an abortion.
People say that having a baby is life altering, but I believe that just making the decision alone is life altering. I could not stand to know that I could have had a child, someone with my own DNA, but I got it aborted instead. As a teenager, I actually know one man, a good friend of mine, who got a girl pregnant when he was only 16 and she was 15. They decided together to have an abortion, as neither of them were in the position to raise a kid. To this day, that guy lives in total regret of his decision and not one day goes by that he doesn't think about how he could have a child in his arms at that moment.
On the other hand, I also am very good friends with a girl who got pregnant at 16 and decided to keep the baby at all costs. She is currently living in an apartment with her boyfriend (also the father of the baby) and receiving funding from the government to help pay day to day bills. Her little baby, also my nephew, is celebrating his one year birthday TODAY!
There is, and always will be two sides to an argument. Throughout my blog, you'll see that both sides will be argued and I will leave it up to you to decide your opinion on this touchy subject.

Til next time!
Love, Crystal Barron :)