Friday, December 2, 2011

The Big Decision.

Before writing this post, I'd like to announce that I personally am Pro-Life. That being said, I do respect other opinions in the matter and I do not wish to offend anyone with my opinion. I'm just stating what I feel.

Now, I'd like to tell a story. Recently, I had called my best friend over to my house so we could catch up. We had a huge falling out and didn't speak for nearly 3 months, though we had been best friends for 10 years at that point. I had randomly called her over to my house, and so she came. She sat down on my bed and I asked her ''So how've you been?'' and she responded by telling me ''I'm pregnant.''


I mean, to be honest, I wasn't all too surprised. She had had a pregnancy scare before, and I took care of her. That being said, I also explained to her just how important protection was. I guess it went in one ear and out the other.

So you can imagine how I might have reacted when she told me that she was positive that she would get an abortion. She had been raised in an environment that encouraged abortion above all other options. Naturally, I had encouraged her to hold the baby until the delivery, and then give it up for adoption. I knew this wouldn't have worked anyway because she has a very selfish personality and would not be able to carry the baby for 9 months and then give it up. Which I understand, many people are faced with that. However, I personally know an amazing couple who have been trying to adopt a child for 6 years now, with no luck. So you can see why I might encourage her to give it up, and give the baby a chance. Also, (warning: about to get rather personal), my doctor has told me that I am most likely to be infertile for the rest of my life due to a condition I have. I tried my best not to sound selfish when telling her that by getting an abortion, it's almost a slap in the face to me. However, it was her life and not mine. But it was also the baby's life. Now I know she was in absolutely no financial state to keep her child, seeing as her dad had no job and her mom works part-time at the mall, but nonetheless, there's always another solution.

As a matter of fact, while writing this post, I came to a realization that within the time I started writing this blog, to the time I ended it...she had her abortion. I guess I'm in a state of shock right now.

Lots of Love,



  1. That is the saddest thing ever! Personaly, I wouldn't get pregnant at the age of 17, cause my parents would probs kill me, lol. But while reading this, I felt a pang of sadness in my heart cause I do believe that everyone should have a chance to live. So instead of ranting for like ever, Im gonna say that I'm really sad :( and feel sorry for her..and you.

  2. Oh wow, I could not imagine what my reaction would be like if one of my friends told me that. In the end everyone has their reason for doing what they choose to do. You showed yourself to be a really good friend by giving her advice and relating it to your own health issue. Also I found it really great that you added a little bit of personal information it made your blog a lot more interesting because it added a little twist to your blog. I hope everythings good for you and for your friend.

  3. WOW! That is crazy... I could not even imagine my reaction if a friend of mine told me she was pregnant. Like yourself I agree that abortion isn't the answer. Everyone deserves the chance to live. There is families out there that would love to have a child and then there are women that are able to and then have an abortion. This baffles me! On a side note, I don't know how one can live with knowing for the rest of your life that you had an abortion. Or the constant thought of how that child would have turned out. You were a good friend to her. Hope all is well for you both.

  4. Before reading this I would just like you all to know that I mean my opinion below in the most respectable way possible.

    Having a child is a big decision! When two teenagers decide that they are mature enough to have intercourse it is important to understand the risks that are present in doing so. I can understand both sides of the argument. At the age of 17 having a child doesn't present very many advantages, and so there is a valid reason to go through with abortion. However, in my opinion if your friend was able to make the decision to have intercourse she was well aware of the possible outcome of her situation. Therefore I don't believe that she had the right to be selfish and abort the pregnancy. I agree with crystal in saying that she should have gone through with the pregnancy and given the baby to a couple that could care for the child in ways that at the time she was unable to.

    -Nick M

  5. Wow, I didn't realize this would be so emotional for you! It's unfortunate that she made a decision that has hurt you, but just as you said, she probably would have been selfish and kept the baby, bringing it into an unhealthy environnement. It's hard to change someones mind with such a large decision as this, but everyone chooses if they want to harm themselves or others. You are entirely right, she should have used protection, then there'd be less stress in the lives of the people involved. But everyone makes mistakes.

  6. "Everyone makes mistakes, it is our responsibility to learn from our mistakes."
    *Not to offend or be judgmental, and I mean this in the kindest way possible; I agree with Nick on this one.*
    Pro-life as well; I understand she has the right to chose, and i respect her (in this case) responsible decision to have the abortion and save the 'would be' baby from the stressful environment it would have been born into. Each scenario in teen pregnancy is different. The emotions and stress, as well as life circumstances influence the decision of teen moms (if they have the right to chose) to keep or leave the responsibility of a child. Pro-life or pro-choice? I believe
    that No matter what one's point of view is on her decision, she and we all should be thankful that we, as Canadians, have the right to chose.

  7. That's really sad... I'm pro-choice also but I can understand the reasons why sometimes abortion would be the best thing to do. Best thing for the parents, not for the kid of course. But I agree with Nick, if you decide you're old enough to have sex, you're also old enough to deal with the consequences. She had to have seen this coming if she wasn't using protection like you said. While it's completely up to her, I think she should have at least given the child a chance to live, especially since there are people who can't have kids of their own like you mentioned.

  8. I am very sorry for this friend of yours, but i do believe that it isn't fair for those that can't produce children. I just think that many people need to think before they take that DESCISION. Most of these kids do things thinking that abortion will be the solution to their problem. It is very unfortunate that this is the road our generation is heading, and as far as I see it, it will keep getting worst if teens do not choose to take their life seriously and have ambitions that will benifite them for the future.

  9. I understand this is a very emotional blog, yet I do find myself on the pro choice side. If it were an error and unwanted, it is very hard to know when the foetus has life or not, therefore you never know when you should get the abortion.
