Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I'll have what she's having...

Aside from being Pro-Life, my ideal option for teenage pregnancy is adoption. I'd mentioned before about a couple who have been trying to adopt a child from China for over 6 years now. As you know, China politics when it comes to adoption are rather strict and a long process. Also, considering after about 3 years into the process, China hosted the Beijing Olympics, which of course, set it back even further. This couple is the most amazing, caring and loving couple I've ever had the privilege to know. I could not imagine a better couple to be parents to a young child. I had even said to my mom that if my some immaculate conception I were to get pregnant, I would give them my child in a heartbeat. Fortunately, the process has dragged on long enough and this couple will receive a little baby girl from China in March!

Here's a famous couple who adopt...and adopt...and adopt...and adopt...

So another good option would be to give the baby to Social Services, who would then put them in foster homes until they find permanent adoption or foster parents. Now I know the idea of a foster home is scary to some because it's portrayed through the media as being a dangerous, abuse-filled environment. In reality, I personally know a family who've been taking in foster children for over 5 years now. With three children total,  these parents decided that they wanted to make a difference in the lives of these abandoned kids. I have never seen a closer family than that of the Sargent family. They've had children come and go in their houses, some more disciplined than others, but they still treated each child with the same amount of love and respect that they had for their own children. So who says foster homes are scary?

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